Eventually, at approximately 10:15am rumors began to circulate that the Mayor was arriving. In anticipation, the performance began...
Now for the moment that everyone had been waiting for……….And we mean WAITING for…. The DEPUTY Mayor (as it turns out the Mayor had been unavoidably detained) stood up and announced that the brand new mountain bikes would be given to the six children who could best sing a song. “First come - First served” (he would very soon regret these words, as a giant tidal wave of approximately two and a half thousand children crashed down upon the stage). ….And....in the midst of all the pandemonium, was our very own Puput, pushing her way to the front with a quiet purposefulness.
Head down…...girl on a mission.
Success !
That bike is as good as mine !
All that remains is to sing the song
Disaster !
Didn't know the words to the song.
And That Boy just sang it Perfectly.
So Close….but no mountain bike...